
Design Thinking

Design Thinking is a methodology that provides a structured approach to solving problems and unlocking innovation.

A highly valuable and creative way to tackle complex problems, especially those that are ill-defined or unknown, by understanding the human needs involved.

At DBD we take this approach and use two layers, the five step process and the three ‘lenses’ to find the true value in the ideas and solutions we implement.

This is our FiveByThree Design Thinking service.

A strategy for innovation that starts with people. Design is a powerful way to unlock innovation and solve complex problems

Five step process


1. Empathy

We start by consulting topic experts and discussing with users. Here we learn how people interact with an existing solution to get an insight into where the current challenges and ‘pain points’ exist.

2. Define & Focus

By now we’ve gathered enough information to analyse and identify the core problem, the main question we’re looking to answer. This allows us to refine and focus things down from what we have learned so far.

3. Ideation

By now we’ve gathered enough information to analyse and identify the core problem, the main question we’re looking to answer. This allows us to refine and focus things down from what we have learned so far.

4. Prototype

Building a low risk, inexpensive model to help us test our ideas. At this point the goal is to identify the best possible solution going forward and a way to accurately communicate ideas.

5. Test

It’s time to get our prototype in front of users. The goal here is to learn as much as possible about the possible solution and any issues we might face.

Three aspects

Do people want this?
This needs to be looked at from a design perspective but also think about behaviours, goals, culture and context.

Can we do this? Is the technology readily available and at a reasonable cost to do this successfully? Here’s where we think about things more from an engineering perspective.

Should we do this? Here we’re thinking about things from a business viewpoint. What goals does this support?

How can we help you?

Contact DBD Consulting to find out more about how we can help you on your transformation journey.


They worked diligently and collaboratively facing what seemed like impossible challenges and obstacles. Well done, a fantastic effort of gargantuan proportions, a great result for us, but most importantly for all our users who deserve a first class service.

R Adm Nick Washer
Ministry of Defence

We’d love to help if we can, let’s chat over a coffee (other beverages are available)…